
A  =  Solidify

S  =  Liquify

D  =  Gasify

R  =  Restart Level

Q  =  Back to Menu


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Nice physics game idea. I think it is pretty cool you can change directly from solid to gas.


Good game! I enjoyed playing it. I played it in full screen. It could use more color

Hullo! I'll be playing State Switch tomorrow on stream along with several other games from the 8 Bits to Infinity Jam at 3:30pm EST. I'll be talking about any interesting design decisions as I play, and suggesting improvements if any come to mind. Please feel free to join me live, it'll be extra fun to chat together about your game while playing it :)

I loved this game. But on my 768p monitor I cannot fully enjoy this game(

Ah I'm sorry it's resolution is 1k/1k :/